Vaginal Rejuvenation - What Are the Options?
Time leaves its mark on our bodies and sooner or later we begin to see the effects of aging and gravity. Unfortunately, our lady parts don't come out unscathed. Age and childbirth take their toll and many women end up unhappy with the results. For this reason, an increasing number of women are looking for vaginal rejuvenation in dubai options.
Modern medicine has risen to the challenge, and today there are a surprising number of options available in this field. There are, of course, various surgical treatments offered by aesthetic plastic surgeons; however, we will also discuss the least invasive options on the market today, options that are (in many cases) the best solution.
Surgical solutions for vaginal rejuvenation
The ultimate goal of vaginal rejuvenation is a tighter and more aesthetically pleasing vagina. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery accomplishes this goal by altering the vagina internally or by reducing the labia of the vulva. Depending on the problems a woman is facing, her doctor may suggest one or a combination of the following procedures.
Vaginoplasty is one of the most common procedures to correct loose muscles that have been stretched during childbirth. The procedure helps tighten the vaginal muscles and reduce the size of the vagina by removing excess vaginal lining. This surgery can result in a significantly tighter vagina and more friction during intercourse.
Perineoplasty is commonly recommended for women who experience weakness in the perineum after childbirth. The perineum is the small region between the anus and the vaginal opening, and this small muscle can occasionally be damaged during the rigors of childbirth. This damage can sometimes affect aesthetic appearance and feel, so perineoplasty surgery can help repair and strengthen that damaged muscle. A perineoplasty can often be followed by laser surgery to also reduce the size and appearance of the vaginal opening.
Labiaplasty is more of a cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the labia majora and/or minora (the inner and/or outer lips of the vagina). Childbirth and age can cause stretched, elongated, or uneven lips, and this procedure modifies them to make them smaller or more even. This surgery is a fairly short outpatient procedure, during which excess tissue is removed with a laser under general anesthesia.
Hymenoplasty is a somewhat controversial procedure, sometimes referred to as "revirginization." It gets this name because the goal of surgery is to repair a broken hymen. The hymen is a thin membrane inside the vagina that usually remains intact until a woman has sexual intercourse for the first time. Of course, the hymen can be broken after using a tampon, or even from a rigorous activity like horseback riding. Some women, however, choose this surgery for ethnic, cultural, or religious reasons. Additionally, some rape victims choose to undergo this surgery as a means of psychological and physical healing.
Hoodectomy surgery is performed to reduce or completely remove the hood that covers the clitoris. The surgery is minor and does not require anesthesia, as the surgeon simply removes the excess tissue from the foreskin (the tissue that surrounds the clitoris), leaving the clitoral nodule exposed. This procedure is most commonly performed when a woman is suffering from clitoral phimosis, a condition that inhibits the normal flexibility of the clitoris. A hoodectomy may also be performed to improve sexual function or for hygiene-related problems resulting from excess foreskin tissue.
Non-surgical solutions for vaginal rejuvenation
Of course, many women are wary of having surgery due to the risks, time, and expense involved. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery can not only be quite risky, but it is usually quite expensive and often quite unnecessary. Fortunately, there are a number of simple, non-surgical options available for women who need to get things adjusted in the South.
Lip Puff is a simple procedure that has proven helpful for many women. Older women or those who have given birth may experience some laxity or swelling of the labia majora. Just as our facial skin wrinkles and sags with age, our lady parts age too. This can be fixed non-surgically with a fat injection, known as a lip puff.
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